Module ttemtoolbox.core.process_ttem
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Version 11.18.2023
# Created: 2023-11-17
# Author: Jiawei Li
import pathlib
from pathlib import Path
import re
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
from ttemtoolbox.defaults.constants import XYZ_FILE_PATTERN, DOI_FILE_PATTERN
from import skip_metadata
class ProcessTTEM:
This function is used to format the tTEM data, and return a dataframe that contains filtered/processed tTEM data.\n
if the input is a string or pathlib.PurePath object, the function will read the tTEM data from the file and \
return a dataframe.\n
if the input is a dataframe, the function will reuse the dataframe and return a dataframe.\n
if the input is a list, the function will read all the tTEM data from the files in the list and return a \
Version 11.18.2023 \n
:param fname: A string or pathlib.PurePath object that contains the path to the tTEM .xyz file exported from Aarhus Workbench
:param doi_path: A string or pathlib.PurePath object that contains the path to the DOI file exported from Aarhus Workbench
:param layer_exclude: A list that contains the layer number that you want to exclude from the tTEM data
:param line_exclude: A list that contains the line number that you want to exclude from the tTEM data
:param point_exclude: A list that contains the point number that you want to exclude from the tTEM data
:param resample: A int value that indicates whether to fill the tTEM data with a factor, defaults is False
:return: A pandas dataframe that contains the filtered/processed tTEM data
def __init__(self,
fname: pathlib.PurePath |str |list,
doi_path: pathlib.PurePath| str| list = None,
layer_exclude: list = None,
line_exclude: list = None,
ID_exclude: list = None,
resample: int = None,
unit: str = 'meter'):
if not isinstance(fname, list):
fname = [fname]
if not isinstance(doi_path, list) and doi_path:
doi_path = [doi_path]
if unit == 'meter':
self.unit = 'meter'
self.unitconvert = 1
elif unit == 'feet':
self.unit = 'feet'
self.unitconvert = 3.28084
self.fname = fname
self.doi_path = doi_path
self.layer_exclude = layer_exclude
self.line_exclude = line_exclude
self.ID_exclude = ID_exclude
self.resample = resample = self._format_ttem() =
def _read_ttem(fname: pathlib.PurePath| str, mtoft=1) -> pd.DataFrame| dict:
This function read tTEM data from .xyz file, and return a formatted dataframe that contains all the tTEM data. \n
Version 11.18.2023 \n
:param fname: A string or pathlib.PurePath object that contains the path to the tTEM .xyz file exported from Aarhus Workbench
:return: A pandas dataframe that contains all the tTEM data without any filtering
data = skip_metadata(fname, XYZ_FILE_PATTERN)
df = pd.DataFrame(data[1::], columns=data[0])
df = df.astype({'ID': 'int64',
'Line_No': 'int64',
'Layer_No': 'int64',
'UTMX': 'float64',
'UTMY': 'float64',
'Elevation_Cell': 'float64',
'Resistivity': 'float64',
'Resistivity_STD': 'float64',
'Conductivity': 'float64',
'Depth_top': 'float64',
'Depth_bottom': 'float64',
'Thickness': 'float64',
'Thickness_STD': 'float64'
df = df[~(df['Thickness_STD'] == float(9999))]
df['Elevation_Cell'] = df['Elevation_Cell']/mtoft
df['Depth_top'] = df['Depth_top']/mtoft
df['Depth_bottom'] = df['Depth_bottom']/mtoft
df['Thickness'] = df['Thickness']/mtoft
return df
def _find_crs(fname: pathlib.PurePath| str) -> str:
This function is used to find the CRS of the tTEM data, it will return the CRS of the tTEM data. \n
:param fname: A string or pathlib.PurePath object that contains the path to the tTEM .xyz file exported from Aarhus Workbench
:return: CRS of the tTEM data
with open(fname, "r") as file:
lines = file.readlines()
pattern = re.compile(r"epsg:(\d+)", re.IGNORECASE)
for line in lines:
match =
if match:
crs =
crs = crs.upper()
crs = None
return crs
def _DOI(dataframe: pd.DataFrame,
doi_path: pathlib.PurePath| str |list,
mtoft=1) -> pd.DataFrame:
Remove all tTEM data under DOI elevation limit with provided DOI file from Aarhus Workbench \n
Version 11.18.2023 \n
:param dataframe: Datafram that constains tTEM data
:param doi_path: path-like contains DOI file, or a list of path that contains multiple DOI files
:return: Filtered tTEM data above DOI
doi_concatlist = []
match_index = []
for i in doi_path:
print('Applying DOI {}.....'.format(Path(i).name))
data = skip_metadata(i, DOI_FILE_PATTERN)
tmp_doi_df = pd.DataFrame(data[1::], columns=data[0])
df_DOI = pd.concat(doi_concatlist)
df_DOI = df_DOI.astype({'UTMX': 'float64',
'UTMY': 'float64',
'Value': 'float64'
df_DOI['Value'] = df_DOI['Value']/mtoft
df_group = dataframe.groupby(['UTMX', 'UTMY'])
ttem_concatlist = []
for name, group in df_group:
elevation = df_DOI.loc[(df_DOI['UTMX'] == name[0]) & (df_DOI['UTMY'] == name[1])]['Value'].values[0]
new_group = group[group['Elevation_Cell'] >= elevation]
except IndexError:
df_out = pd.concat(ttem_concatlist)
return df_out
def _layer_exclude(dataframe: pd.DataFrame,
layer_exclude: list) -> pd.DataFrame:
df_out = dataframe[~np.isin(dataframe["Layer_No"], layer_exclude)]
print('Exclude layer {}'.format(layer_exclude))
return df_out
def _line_exclude(dataframe: pd.DataFrame,
line_exclude: list) -> pd.DataFrame:
df_out = dataframe[~np.isin(dataframe["Line_No"], line_exclude)]
print('Exclude line {}'.format(line_exclude))
return df_out
def _ID_exclude(dataframe: pd.DataFrame,
ID_exclude: list) -> pd.DataFrame:
df_out = dataframe[~dataframe["ID"].isin(ID_exclude)]
[print('Exclude point {}'.format(x)) for x in ID_exclude]
return df_out
def _to_linear(group: pd.DataFrame,
factor: int) -> pd.DataFrame:
The core algorithm of the resample method, it fills the tTEM from log to linear.\n
Version 11.18.2023\n
:param group: tTEM dataframe, typically a groups from pd.groupby method
:param factor: how thin your thickness should be divided, e.g. 10 means 1/10 m thickness
:return: linear thickness tTEM dataframe
newgroup = group.loc[group.index.repeat(group.Thickness * factor)]
mul_per_gr = newgroup.groupby('Elevation_Cell').cumcount()
newgroup['Elevation_Cell'] = newgroup['Elevation_Cell'].subtract(mul_per_gr * 1 / factor)
newgroup['Depth_top'] = newgroup['Depth_top'].add(mul_per_gr * 1 / factor)
newgroup['Depth_bottom'] = newgroup['Depth_top'].add(1 / factor)
newgroup['Elevation_End'] = newgroup['Elevation_Cell'].subtract(1 / factor)
newgroup['Thickness'] = 1 / factor
return newgroup
def _resample(dataframe: pd.DataFrame,
factor: int) -> pd.DataFrame:
This staticmethod is connected with format_ttem method, it converts the tTEM thickness from log to linear \
layers with a consistant layer thickness .\n
Version 11.18.2023\n
:param dataframe: Dataframe that contains the tTEM data
:param factor: how thin your thickness should be divided, e.g. 10 means 1/10 m thickness
:return: resampled dataframe
concatlist = []
groups = dataframe.groupby(['UTMX', 'UTMY'])
for name, group in groups:
newgroup = ProcessTTEM._to_linear(group, factor)
result = pd.concat(concatlist)
result.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
return result
def _get_crs(fname: str | pathlib.PurePath) -> str:
crs = ProcessTTEM._find_crs(fname[0])
print('No CRS found in the file, set CRS to None, use set_crs method to assign a CRS.')
crs = None
return crs
def _format_ttem(self):
This is the core method of the class that read file under varies input circumstances, and return a \
formatted dataframe that contains filtered tTEM data. \n
Version: 11.18.2023\n
:return: A pandas dataframe that contains filtered tTEM data
# Read data under different input circumstances
from pathlib import Path
crs = self._get_crs(self.fname)
tmp_df = pd.DataFrame()
if len(self.fname) == 0:
raise ValueError("The input is empty!")
if isinstance(self.fname[0], (str, pathlib.PurePath)):
concatlist = []
for i in self.fname:
tmp_df = self._read_ttem(i, self.unitconvert)
print("Reading data from file {}...".format(Path(i).name))
tmp_df = pd.concat(concatlist)
elif isinstance(self.fname[0], pd.DataFrame):
print("Reading data from cache...")
tmp_df = pd.concat(self.fname)
if tmp_df.empty:
raise ValueError("The input is empty!")
# Create filter parameters
if self.layer_exclude is not None:
tmp_df = self._layer_exclude(tmp_df, self.layer_exclude)
if self.line_exclude is not None:
tmp_df = self._layer_exclude(tmp_df, self.line_exclude)
if self.ID_exclude is not None:
tmp_df = self._ID_exclude(tmp_df, self.ID_exclude)
if self.doi_path is not None:
tmp_df = self._DOI(tmp_df, self.doi_path)
if self.resample is not None:
tmp_df = self._resample(tmp_df, self.resample)
# Sort the dataframe
tmp_df = tmp_df.sort_values(by=['ID', 'Line_No','Layer_No'])
tmp_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
tmp_df["Elevation_End"] = tmp_df["Elevation_Cell"].subtract(tmp_df["Thickness"]) = tmp_df.copy(){'UTMX': 'X', 'UTMY': 'Y'},inplace=True)
if crs is not None: = gpd.GeoDataFrame(,
else: = gpd.GeoDataFrame(,
def summary(self) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
This function generate a summary of the tTEM file which can be plot in the GIS contains all key information \
about the tTEM
:return: pd.DataFrame containing the summary of the tTEM info
id_group ='ID')
agg_group = id_group.agg({'Depth_bottom': 'max',
'Elevation_Cell': 'max',
'Elevation_End': 'min',
'Resistivity': ['min', 'max', 'mean'],
'X': 'mean', 'Y': 'mean'})
agg_group.columns ='_'.join) = None
agg_group['ID'] = agg_group.index
self.summary = agg_group
self.summary.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
self.summary.rename(columns={'X_mean': 'X', 'Y_mean': 'Y'}, inplace=True)
return self.summary
def set_crs(self, new_crs: str):
Assigns a new coordinate reference system (CRS) to the object.
new_crs (str): The new CRS to be assigned. It should be in the format 'EPSG:<code>',
where <code> is the EPSG code of the CRS.
str: The newly assigned CRS.
ValueError: If the input CRS is not in the correct format.
>>> obj = ProcessTTEM(fname)
>>> obj.assign_crs('EPSG:4326')
The CRS is assigned to EPSG:4326
pattern = r'^EPSG:\d+$'
if bool(re.match(pattern, new_crs)):, inplace=True)
print('The CRS is assigned to {}'.format(new_crs))
raise ValueError("The input CRS is not valid, please use EPSG format, e.g. EPSG:4326")
def reproject(self, new_crs: str):
Reprojects the data to a new coordinate reference system (CRS).
new_crs (str): The new CRS to reproject the data to.
GeoDataFrame: The reprojected data as a GeoDataFrame.
""" = =['X'] =['Y'] =
def to_shp(self, output_filepath: str | pathlib.PurePath):
This method converts the tTEM data to a shapefile or other supported geospatial formats.\n
:param output_filepath: The path to save the output shapefile or geospatial file.
ttem_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(self.summary,
geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(self.summary['X'], self.summary['Y']),
if Path(output_filepath).suffix.lower() == '.shp':
ttem_gdf.to_file(output_filepath, driver='ESRI Shapefile')
print('The output file is saved to {}'.format(Path(output_filepath).resolve()))
elif Path(output_filepath).suffix.lower() == '.gpkg':
ttem_gdf.to_file(output_filepath, driver='GPKG', layer=Path(self.fname[0]).stem)
print('The output file is saved to {}'.format(Path(output_filepath).resolve()))
elif Path(output_filepath).suffix.lower() == '.geojson':
ttem_gdf.to_file(output_filepath, driver='GeoJSON')
print('The output file is saved to {}'.format(Path(output_filepath).resolve()))
raise ValueError("The output file format is not supported, please use .shp, .gpkg, or .geojson")
if __name__ == "__main__":
print('This is a module, please import it to use it.')
import ttemtoolbox
from pathlib import Path
import geopandas as gpd
from pathlib import Path
workdir = Path.cwd()
ttem_lslake = workdir.parent.parent.joinpath(r'data\')
ttem_lsl = ttemtoolbox.process_ttem.ProcessTTEM(ttem_lslake)
class ProcessTTEM (fname: pathlib.PurePath | str | list, doi_path: pathlib.PurePath | str | list = None, layer_exclude: list = None, line_exclude: list = None, ID_exclude: list = None, resample: int = None, unit: str = 'meter')
This function is used to format the tTEM data, and return a dataframe that contains filtered/processed tTEM data.
if the input is a string or pathlib.PurePath object, the function will read the tTEM data from the file and return a dataframe.
if the input is a dataframe, the function will reuse the dataframe and return a dataframe.
if the input is a list, the function will read all the tTEM data from the files in the list and return a dataframe.
Version 11.18.2023
:param fname: A string or pathlib.PurePath object that contains the path to the tTEM .xyz file exported from Aarhus Workbench :param doi_path: A string or pathlib.PurePath object that contains the path to the DOI file exported from Aarhus Workbench :param layer_exclude: A list that contains the layer number that you want to exclude from the tTEM data :param line_exclude: A list that contains the line number that you want to exclude from the tTEM data :param point_exclude: A list that contains the point number that you want to exclude from the tTEM data :param resample: A int value that indicates whether to fill the tTEM data with a factor, defaults is False :return: A pandas dataframe that contains the filtered/processed tTEM data
Expand source code
class ProcessTTEM: """ This function is used to format the tTEM data, and return a dataframe that contains filtered/processed tTEM data.\n if the input is a string or pathlib.PurePath object, the function will read the tTEM data from the file and \ return a dataframe.\n if the input is a dataframe, the function will reuse the dataframe and return a dataframe.\n if the input is a list, the function will read all the tTEM data from the files in the list and return a \ dataframe.\n Version 11.18.2023 \n :param fname: A string or pathlib.PurePath object that contains the path to the tTEM .xyz file exported from Aarhus Workbench :param doi_path: A string or pathlib.PurePath object that contains the path to the DOI file exported from Aarhus Workbench :param layer_exclude: A list that contains the layer number that you want to exclude from the tTEM data :param line_exclude: A list that contains the line number that you want to exclude from the tTEM data :param point_exclude: A list that contains the point number that you want to exclude from the tTEM data :param resample: A int value that indicates whether to fill the tTEM data with a factor, defaults is False :return: A pandas dataframe that contains the filtered/processed tTEM data """ def __init__(self, fname: pathlib.PurePath |str |list, doi_path: pathlib.PurePath| str| list = None, layer_exclude: list = None, line_exclude: list = None, ID_exclude: list = None, resample: int = None, unit: str = 'meter'): if not isinstance(fname, list): fname = [fname] if not isinstance(doi_path, list) and doi_path: doi_path = [doi_path] if unit == 'meter': self.unit = 'meter' self.unitconvert = 1 elif unit == 'feet': self.unit = 'feet' self.unitconvert = 3.28084 self.fname = fname self.doi_path = doi_path self.layer_exclude = layer_exclude self.line_exclude = line_exclude self.ID_exclude = ID_exclude self.resample = resample = self._format_ttem() = @staticmethod def _read_ttem(fname: pathlib.PurePath| str, mtoft=1) -> pd.DataFrame| dict: """ This function read tTEM data from .xyz file, and return a formatted dataframe that contains all the tTEM data. \n Version 11.18.2023 \n :param fname: A string or pathlib.PurePath object that contains the path to the tTEM .xyz file exported from Aarhus Workbench :return: A pandas dataframe that contains all the tTEM data without any filtering """ data = skip_metadata(fname, XYZ_FILE_PATTERN) df = pd.DataFrame(data[1::], columns=data[0]) df = df.astype({'ID': 'int64', 'Line_No': 'int64', 'Layer_No': 'int64', 'UTMX': 'float64', 'UTMY': 'float64', 'Elevation_Cell': 'float64', 'Resistivity': 'float64', 'Resistivity_STD': 'float64', 'Conductivity': 'float64', 'Depth_top': 'float64', 'Depth_bottom': 'float64', 'Thickness': 'float64', 'Thickness_STD': 'float64' }) df = df[~(df['Thickness_STD'] == float(9999))] df['Elevation_Cell'] = df['Elevation_Cell']/mtoft df['Depth_top'] = df['Depth_top']/mtoft df['Depth_bottom'] = df['Depth_bottom']/mtoft df['Thickness'] = df['Thickness']/mtoft return df @staticmethod def _find_crs(fname: pathlib.PurePath| str) -> str: """ This function is used to find the CRS of the tTEM data, it will return the CRS of the tTEM data. \n \n :param fname: A string or pathlib.PurePath object that contains the path to the tTEM .xyz file exported from Aarhus Workbench :return: CRS of the tTEM data """ with open(fname, "r") as file: lines = file.readlines() pattern = re.compile(r"epsg:(\d+)", re.IGNORECASE) for line in lines: match = if match: crs = crs = crs.upper() break else: crs = None return crs @staticmethod def _DOI(dataframe: pd.DataFrame, doi_path: pathlib.PurePath| str |list, mtoft=1) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Remove all tTEM data under DOI elevation limit with provided DOI file from Aarhus Workbench \n Version 11.18.2023 \n :param dataframe: Datafram that constains tTEM data :param doi_path: path-like contains DOI file, or a list of path that contains multiple DOI files :return: Filtered tTEM data above DOI """ doi_concatlist = [] match_index = [] for i in doi_path: print('Applying DOI {}.....'.format(Path(i).name)) data = skip_metadata(i, DOI_FILE_PATTERN) tmp_doi_df = pd.DataFrame(data[1::], columns=data[0]) doi_concatlist.append(tmp_doi_df) df_DOI = pd.concat(doi_concatlist) df_DOI = df_DOI.astype({'UTMX': 'float64', 'UTMY': 'float64', 'Value': 'float64' }) df_DOI['Value'] = df_DOI['Value']/mtoft df_group = dataframe.groupby(['UTMX', 'UTMY']) ttem_concatlist = [] for name, group in df_group: try: elevation = df_DOI.loc[(df_DOI['UTMX'] == name[0]) & (df_DOI['UTMY'] == name[1])]['Value'].values[0] new_group = group[group['Elevation_Cell'] >= elevation] ttem_concatlist.append(new_group) except IndexError: continue df_out = pd.concat(ttem_concatlist) return df_out @staticmethod def _layer_exclude(dataframe: pd.DataFrame, layer_exclude: list) -> pd.DataFrame: df_out = dataframe[~np.isin(dataframe["Layer_No"], layer_exclude)] print('Exclude layer {}'.format(layer_exclude)) return df_out @staticmethod def _line_exclude(dataframe: pd.DataFrame, line_exclude: list) -> pd.DataFrame: df_out = dataframe[~np.isin(dataframe["Line_No"], line_exclude)] print('Exclude line {}'.format(line_exclude)) return df_out @staticmethod def _ID_exclude(dataframe: pd.DataFrame, ID_exclude: list) -> pd.DataFrame: df_out = dataframe[~dataframe["ID"].isin(ID_exclude)] [print('Exclude point {}'.format(x)) for x in ID_exclude] return df_out @staticmethod def _to_linear(group: pd.DataFrame, factor: int) -> pd.DataFrame: """ The core algorithm of the resample method, it fills the tTEM from log to linear.\n Version 11.18.2023\n :param group: tTEM dataframe, typically a groups from pd.groupby method :param factor: how thin your thickness should be divided, e.g. 10 means 1/10 m thickness :return: linear thickness tTEM dataframe """ newgroup = group.loc[group.index.repeat(group.Thickness * factor)] mul_per_gr = newgroup.groupby('Elevation_Cell').cumcount() newgroup['Elevation_Cell'] = newgroup['Elevation_Cell'].subtract(mul_per_gr * 1 / factor) newgroup['Depth_top'] = newgroup['Depth_top'].add(mul_per_gr * 1 / factor) newgroup['Depth_bottom'] = newgroup['Depth_top'].add(1 / factor) newgroup['Elevation_End'] = newgroup['Elevation_Cell'].subtract(1 / factor) newgroup['Thickness'] = 1 / factor return newgroup @staticmethod def _resample(dataframe: pd.DataFrame, factor: int) -> pd.DataFrame: """ This staticmethod is connected with format_ttem method, it converts the tTEM thickness from log to linear \ layers with a consistant layer thickness .\n Version 11.18.2023\n :param dataframe: Dataframe that contains the tTEM data :param factor: how thin your thickness should be divided, e.g. 10 means 1/10 m thickness :return: resampled dataframe """ concatlist = [] groups = dataframe.groupby(['UTMX', 'UTMY']) for name, group in groups: newgroup = ProcessTTEM._to_linear(group, factor) concatlist.append(newgroup) result = pd.concat(concatlist) result.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) return result @staticmethod def _get_crs(fname: str | pathlib.PurePath) -> str: try: crs = ProcessTTEM._find_crs(fname[0]) except: print('No CRS found in the file, set CRS to None, use set_crs method to assign a CRS.') crs = None return crs def _format_ttem(self): """ This is the core method of the class that read file under varies input circumstances, and return a \ formatted dataframe that contains filtered tTEM data. \n Version: 11.18.2023\n :return: A pandas dataframe that contains filtered tTEM data """ # Read data under different input circumstances from pathlib import Path crs = self._get_crs(self.fname) tmp_df = pd.DataFrame() if len(self.fname) == 0: raise ValueError("The input is empty!") if isinstance(self.fname[0], (str, pathlib.PurePath)): concatlist = [] for i in self.fname: tmp_df = self._read_ttem(i, self.unitconvert) concatlist.append(tmp_df) print("Reading data from file {}...".format(Path(i).name)) tmp_df = pd.concat(concatlist) elif isinstance(self.fname[0], pd.DataFrame): print("Reading data from cache...") tmp_df = pd.concat(self.fname) if tmp_df.empty: raise ValueError("The input is empty!") # Create filter parameters if self.layer_exclude is not None: tmp_df = self._layer_exclude(tmp_df, self.layer_exclude) if self.line_exclude is not None: tmp_df = self._layer_exclude(tmp_df, self.line_exclude) if self.ID_exclude is not None: tmp_df = self._ID_exclude(tmp_df, self.ID_exclude) if self.doi_path is not None: tmp_df = self._DOI(tmp_df, self.doi_path) if self.resample is not None: tmp_df = self._resample(tmp_df, self.resample) # Sort the dataframe tmp_df = tmp_df.sort_values(by=['ID', 'Line_No','Layer_No']) tmp_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) tmp_df["Elevation_End"] = tmp_df["Elevation_Cell"].subtract(tmp_df["Thickness"]) = tmp_df.copy(){'UTMX': 'X', 'UTMY': 'Y'},inplace=True) if crs is not None: = gpd.GeoDataFrame(, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(['X'],['Y']), crs=crs) else: = gpd.GeoDataFrame(, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(['X'],['Y'])) return def summary(self) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ This function generate a summary of the tTEM file which can be plot in the GIS contains all key information \ about the tTEM :return: pd.DataFrame containing the summary of the tTEM info """ id_group ='ID') agg_group = id_group.agg({'Depth_bottom': 'max', 'Elevation_Cell': 'max', 'Elevation_End': 'min', 'Resistivity': ['min', 'max', 'mean'], 'X': 'mean', 'Y': 'mean'}) agg_group.columns ='_'.join) = None agg_group['ID'] = agg_group.index self.summary = agg_group self.summary.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) self.summary.rename(columns={'X_mean': 'X', 'Y_mean': 'Y'}, inplace=True) return self.summary def set_crs(self, new_crs: str): """ Assigns a new coordinate reference system (CRS) to the object. Parameters: new_crs (str): The new CRS to be assigned. It should be in the format 'EPSG:<code>', where <code> is the EPSG code of the CRS. Returns: str: The newly assigned CRS. Raises: ValueError: If the input CRS is not in the correct format. Example: >>> obj = ProcessTTEM(fname) >>> obj.assign_crs('EPSG:4326') The CRS is assigned to EPSG:4326 'EPSG:4326' """ pattern = r'^EPSG:\d+$' if bool(re.match(pattern, new_crs)):, inplace=True) print('The CRS is assigned to {}'.format(new_crs)) else: raise ValueError("The input CRS is not valid, please use EPSG format, e.g. EPSG:4326") return def reproject(self, new_crs: str): """ Reprojects the data to a new coordinate reference system (CRS). Parameters: new_crs (str): The new CRS to reproject the data to. Returns: GeoDataFrame: The reprojected data as a GeoDataFrame. """ = =['X'] =['Y'] = return def to_shp(self, output_filepath: str | pathlib.PurePath): """ This method converts the tTEM data to a shapefile or other supported geospatial formats.\n :param output_filepath: The path to save the output shapefile or geospatial file. """ ttem_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(self.summary, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(self.summary['X'], self.summary['Y']), if Path(output_filepath).suffix.lower() == '.shp': ttem_gdf.to_file(output_filepath, driver='ESRI Shapefile') print('The output file is saved to {}'.format(Path(output_filepath).resolve())) elif Path(output_filepath).suffix.lower() == '.gpkg': ttem_gdf.to_file(output_filepath, driver='GPKG', layer=Path(self.fname[0]).stem) print('The output file is saved to {}'.format(Path(output_filepath).resolve())) elif Path(output_filepath).suffix.lower() == '.geojson': ttem_gdf.to_file(output_filepath, driver='GeoJSON') print('The output file is saved to {}'.format(Path(output_filepath).resolve())) else: raise ValueError("The output file format is not supported, please use .shp, .gpkg, or .geojson")
def reproject(self, new_crs: str)
Reprojects the data to a new coordinate reference system (CRS).
new_crs (str): The new CRS to reproject the data to.
- The reprojected data as a GeoDataFrame.
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def reproject(self, new_crs: str): """ Reprojects the data to a new coordinate reference system (CRS). Parameters: new_crs (str): The new CRS to reproject the data to. Returns: GeoDataFrame: The reprojected data as a GeoDataFrame. """ = =['X'] =['Y'] = return
def set_crs(self, new_crs: str)
Assigns a new coordinate reference system (CRS) to the object.
new_crs (str): The new CRS to be assigned. It should be in the format 'EPSG:
', where
is the EPSG code of the CRS.
- The newly assigned CRS.
- If the input CRS is not in the correct format.
>>> obj = ProcessTTEM(fname) >>> obj.assign_crs('EPSG:4326') The CRS is assigned to EPSG:4326 'EPSG:4326'
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def set_crs(self, new_crs: str): """ Assigns a new coordinate reference system (CRS) to the object. Parameters: new_crs (str): The new CRS to be assigned. It should be in the format 'EPSG:<code>', where <code> is the EPSG code of the CRS. Returns: str: The newly assigned CRS. Raises: ValueError: If the input CRS is not in the correct format. Example: >>> obj = ProcessTTEM(fname) >>> obj.assign_crs('EPSG:4326') The CRS is assigned to EPSG:4326 'EPSG:4326' """ pattern = r'^EPSG:\d+$' if bool(re.match(pattern, new_crs)):, inplace=True) print('The CRS is assigned to {}'.format(new_crs)) else: raise ValueError("The input CRS is not valid, please use EPSG format, e.g. EPSG:4326") return
def summary(self) ‑> geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame
This function generate a summary of the tTEM file which can be plot in the GIS contains all key information about the tTEM :return: pd.DataFrame containing the summary of the tTEM info
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def summary(self) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ This function generate a summary of the tTEM file which can be plot in the GIS contains all key information \ about the tTEM :return: pd.DataFrame containing the summary of the tTEM info """ id_group ='ID') agg_group = id_group.agg({'Depth_bottom': 'max', 'Elevation_Cell': 'max', 'Elevation_End': 'min', 'Resistivity': ['min', 'max', 'mean'], 'X': 'mean', 'Y': 'mean'}) agg_group.columns ='_'.join) = None agg_group['ID'] = agg_group.index self.summary = agg_group self.summary.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) self.summary.rename(columns={'X_mean': 'X', 'Y_mean': 'Y'}, inplace=True) return self.summary
def to_shp(self, output_filepath: str | pathlib.PurePath)
This method converts the tTEM data to a shapefile or other supported geospatial formats.
:param output_filepath: The path to save the output shapefile or geospatial file.
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def to_shp(self, output_filepath: str | pathlib.PurePath): """ This method converts the tTEM data to a shapefile or other supported geospatial formats.\n :param output_filepath: The path to save the output shapefile or geospatial file. """ ttem_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(self.summary, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(self.summary['X'], self.summary['Y']), if Path(output_filepath).suffix.lower() == '.shp': ttem_gdf.to_file(output_filepath, driver='ESRI Shapefile') print('The output file is saved to {}'.format(Path(output_filepath).resolve())) elif Path(output_filepath).suffix.lower() == '.gpkg': ttem_gdf.to_file(output_filepath, driver='GPKG', layer=Path(self.fname[0]).stem) print('The output file is saved to {}'.format(Path(output_filepath).resolve())) elif Path(output_filepath).suffix.lower() == '.geojson': ttem_gdf.to_file(output_filepath, driver='GeoJSON') print('The output file is saved to {}'.format(Path(output_filepath).resolve())) else: raise ValueError("The output file format is not supported, please use .shp, .gpkg, or .geojson")